

IFIP Working Group 10.5 Minutes Meeting

Grenoble, Alpexpo, 10/3/2015 (18:30-20:30)
In conjunction with DATE 2015


Notes taken by Dominique Borrione




Attendees: Jose L. Ayala, Dominique Borrione, Luc Claesen, Ayse Coskun, Ahmed Jerraya, Takashi Kambe, Tiziana Margaria, Salvador Mir, Ian O'Connor, Lionel Torres, Fatih Ugurdad (by Skype)


Apologies: David Atienza, Juergen Becker, Kiyoung Choi, Nikil Dutt, Dan Gale, Mandred Glesner, Matthew Guthaus, Reiner Hartenstein, Michael Hübner, Masaharu Imai, Srinivas Katkoori, Odysseas Koufopavlou, Wolfgang Nebel, Adam Pawlak, Franz Rammig, Flávio Rech Wagner, Ricardo Reis, Wolfgang Rosenstiel, Donatella Sciuto, Luis Miguel Silveira, Leandro Soares Indrusiak, Dimitrios Soudris, Alexander Stempkovsky, Chi-Ying Tsui, P. A. Subrahmanyam, Eugenio Villar, Ronald Waxman


Invited: –Naehyuck Chang (VLSI-SoC'15), Jaan Raik (VLSI-SoC'16), Ibrahim Elfadel (appl. VLSI-SoC'17)





       Meeting of October 5, 2014, in Playa del Carmen: approval of minutes

       Status of preparation of the book for VLSI-SoC 2014

       Status of preparation of VLSI-SoC 2015 by Naehyuck Chang

       Status of preparation of VLSI-SoC 2016 by Jaan Raik and vote

       Proposals for the organization of VLSI-SoC 2017 by Ayse Coskun and Ibrahim Elfadel

       Election of new officers




See attached slides

Dominique welcomes the members present and the invited scientists who will present the status of preparation or the application for future VLSI-SOC Conferences.


Approval of the minutes of Playa del Carmen meeting


Approved by e-mail by the attendants, and posted on the web site of the WG.

http://tima.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/ifip/wg10-5/ Minutes/2014_10_05_Minutes_IFIP_WG_10_5.htm


Status of preparation of the book for VLSI-SoC 2014


The extended versions of the selected papers have been received and all but 3 have been proof-read, and the comments sent back to the authors. The last 3 papers were expected to be finished reviewing at the end of the week.


Status of preparation of VLSI-SoC 2015 by Naehyuck Chang

see attached slides


Information on slides is not repeated here.

Daejeon is 2 hours by express train from the international airport.

It is the center of a technological area.


VLSI-SOC will take place in the convention center, which has been reserved for the IFIP World Computer Congress (WCC).

The rooms allocated to VLSI-SOC are not yet decided, but a member of the organizing committee is in the organization of the World Congress.

It is not yet decided if the social event will be joint with the WCC.


Among the sponsors: KIISE is the Korean Computer Society

ESRC will donate early money for the preparation.


Some PhD grants have been budgeted for the support of local students.


The target attendance is over 50 from Korea, 100-120 total.

If more people come, the surplus money will be spent on food and beverage.


The TPC has been organized with 10 tracks, each track has two track co-chairs (see the slides). Many WG10.5 members have volunteered to participate in one of the tracks. The addition of more track members is currently being performed by the track co-chairs.


Status of preparation of VLSI-SoC 2016 by Jaan Raik

See attached slides.


Information on slides is not repeated here.


The date of the event has been advanced to late September to avoid conflict with ES Week, and because the weather will be better in Estonia.


Chairs were not finalized. The following persons are suggested and approved during the meeting:

General Co-Chair: Ian o'Connor

TPC Co-Chair: Thomas Holstein


It is suggested to define 1 or 2 hot topics.

There will be a compilation of the number of submissions per track by Salvador Mir, chair of the Steering Committee, to adjust the number and topics of tracks.




Proposal for the organization of VLSI-SoC 2017 in the Boston area by Ayse Coskun (representing Martin Margala)

See attached slides


Two main comments:

-       A request that the organizers be concerned with the accommodation cost for the participants; students and academics who are on a per diem basis from their University cannot afford the down town Boston hotels. Ayse replied that a block of rooms with special rates can be obtained in other close towns such as Waltham.

-       The expected number of participants seems largely over-estimated. The number of participants in the USA is traditionally lower that in Europe or Asia. A more reasonable objective would be around 120-140.


Proposal for the organization of VLSI-SoC 2017 in Abu Dhabi by Ibrahim Elfadel

See attached presented slides and revised version of the slides


This is the second application.

Abu Dhabi has 200 flights per week from Germany, and is well connected to "neighbor countries" which are less than 3 hours away by plane, such as India.


Abu Dhabi owns GlobalFoundries, but there is no local fabrication of chips.

The R&D investment started in 2010. 50 million US$ investment in Electronics in academic R&D (sorry, I did not get if this is a total or per year figure). There are 5 local universities.


The budget will be revised, as well as the number of attendees.

Expected local participation: around 60 persons.


A visa can be obtained at the airport upon arrival for USA, Europe, Korea, Japan.


Replacement of WG officers


Two candidates for the two Vice Chair positions: Srinivas Katkoori, Lionel Torres

No candidate for Chair (several members were solicited, but declined for lack of time).


Dominique will organize elections by e-mail for the vice-chairs, due to the small numbers of attendants in the meeting.

She accepts to remain in office until the meeting in Daejeon, Korea. After, she will retire.


Next meetings


Moscone Center, San Francisco, USA, June 2015, in conjunction with DAC 2015

Convention Center, Daejeon, Korea, October 2015, in conjunction with VLSI-SoC 2015