IFIP Working Group 10.5
Meeting Minutes
International Congress Center Dresden, Germany
Tuesday March 25, 18:30-20:30
Notes taken by Luc Claesen and Dominique
Attendees: Jose Luis Ayala,
Dominique Borrione, Luc Claesen, Ayse Coskun, Masahiro Fujita, Michael Hbner,
Masaharu Imai, Tiziana Margaria, Salvador Mir, Ian O'Connor, Adam Pawlak, Luis
Miguel Silveira, Fatih Ugurdag
Invited Attendees: Profs. Naehyuck Chang, Seoul National University (representing the VLSI-SoC 2015 organizing Committee), Alexander Ivannikov, Russian Academy of Sciences (representing
Alexander Stempkovsky), Alex Orailoglu, U.C. San Diego (VLSI-SOC 2013 Program Chair)
Apologies: David
Agnew, Juergen Becker, Kiyoung Choi, Carlos Delgado
Kloos, Dan Gale, Manfred Glesner, Matthew Guthaus, Reiner Hartenstein, Ahmed
Jerraya, Takashi Kambe, Osamu Karatsu, Srinivas Katkoori, Odysseas Koufopavlou,
Wolfgang Nebel, Franz Rammig, Flvio Rech Wagner, Ricardo Reis, Wolfgang
Rosenstiel, Donatella Sciuto, Leandro Soares, Dimitrios Soudris,
P.A.Subrahmanyam, Lionel Torres, Chi Ying Tsui, Eugenio Villar
The minutes are
complemented by several slide presentations used during the meeting, which are
attached as a separate documents. Contents of the slide presentations are not
necessarily repeated in the minutes.
For reasons
of time, point 8 of the agenda was not covered.
2- Minutes of Istanbul meeting
The minutes of the Istanbul
meeting (October 6 and 8, 2013, in conjunction with VLSI-SOC) are
approved unanimously. These minutes are posted on the WG web site:
3- Introduction of new
member elect: Fatih Ugurdag
Fatih Ugurdag had received 22 support messages
from WG members. He introduces himself at the Dresden meeting, and is
congratulated as new member of the WG.
4 - Status of VLSI-SoC books.
VLSI-SoC 2012
Salvador Mir reports that Ricardo Reis has
informed him that the book on VLSI-SoC 2012 is published
VLSI-SoC 2013
On the book for VLSI-SoC 2013 no information is
available yet. Fatih Ugurdag and Alex Orailoglu provided information on the
selected papers on 12 December 2013. It is urged that the co-chairs, as
co-editors Fatih Ugurdag, Luigi Carro, Alex Orailoglu, Luis Miguel Silveira
should take action to invite and review the papers and forward the .pdf files
to Ricardo Reis when this information is available. We should not wait too long
as it will impact the readership and exposure of the papers and the conference.
5 - Status of preparation of
VLSI-SoC 2014
Luc Claesen, Program Chair, provides the list
of TPC members for VLSI-SoC 2014 (there are some double TPC members in
the tracks as indicated by Prof. Masahiro Fujita, but this is currently being
updated). See attached file tpc.pdf.
The schedule is re-worked during the meeting, as follows:
Deadline call for abstracts: 18 April 2014
Extended deadline full papers: 25 April 2014
start bidding for papers by TPC members: 19 April
deadline bidding for papers by TPC members:
25 April 2014
start review process: 5 May 2014
deadline review hand-in: 30 May 2014
paper selection decision by track chairs: 9 June2014
globalization of program: 17 June 2014
notification of acceptance to authors: 18 June
camera ready papers: 10 July 2014
conference: 6 - 8 October 2014
The updated call is attached: see file
The program will include special sessions: 3
keynotes + 1 panel + 4 submitted special sessions organized by Salvador Mir
Other points
6 - Status of preparation of
VLSI-SoC 2015
Naehyuck Chang, General Co-Chair, presents the
plans for the venue of VLSI-SOC 2015 in Daejeon, South Korea. See attached slides, file [DATE 2014] VLSI-SoC 2015 Report.pdf
7 - Summary of 2014 events
sponsored by WG
See last two slides in file IFIP WG Intro
The call for papers for FDL 2014 and SBCCI2014 are attached.
Proposal and formalized procedure
for the selection of VLSI-SoC 2016 and after. This has not yet been discussed due to lack of
time. An e-mail discussion will be organized, and the topic will be discussed
at the next meeting.
8 - WG Chair and
Chairperson Dominique Borrione indicated that
her term is coming to an end, as well as the term of Vice-chairs Ricardo Reis
and Luis Miguel Silveira.
She invites members as candidates for being the
new chair and vice-chairs: please send her e-mail. Elections of new officers
will take place in October, at the meeting in conjunction with VLSI-SOC.
Next meetings:
Borrione cannot go to DAC this year. Luis Miguel Silveira plans to go, and will
chair a meeting at DAC if there are enough members that plan to attend.
will be a meeting in conjunction with VLSI-SOC, probably the preceding Sunday
as the years before.