

IFIP Working Group 10.5 Minutes Meeting


Grenoble, 14/3/2011 (6:30 PM-8 PM)at DATE 2011



Attendees : Einard J. Aas, Juergen Becker, Dominique Borrione, Luc Claesen, Salvador Mir, Wolfgang Nebel, Ian O'connor, Franz Rammig, Ricardo Reis, Michel Robert, Donatella Sciuto, Alexander Stempkovsky, Eugenio Villar.


Apologies : David Atienza, Kiyoung Choi, Joe Damore, John Darringer, Nikil D. Dutt, Manfred Glesner, Matthew R. Guthaus, Osamu Karatsu, Tiziana Margaria, Klaus Mueller-Glaser, Hillel Ofek, Adaw Pawlak, Flavio Rech Wagner, Wolfgang Rosenstiel, Luis Miguel Silveira, Dimitrios Soudris, P.A. Subrahmanyam, Ronald Waxman



Update on the organization of VLSI_SoC 2011

Update on the organization of VLSI_SoC 2012

Publication of post-conference book

Renewal of the WG10.5 Web page and members list

Future Activities

Fixing of next meetings

Any other business


The minutes are complemented by two slide presentations used during the meeting, which are attached as a separate document. Contents of the slide presentation are not necessarily repeated in the minutes.


- Welcome/Participants, Approval of Agenda (Dominique Borrione).

 (Michel Robert)


Update on VLSI_SoC 2011 by Salvador Mir (see attached slide presentation)

-     A question is raised about the meaning of life member for registration fees. The answer is known after the meeting: IEEE life member.

-     A discussion was raised about not having to pay IEEE X-plore to publish the papers. This should be obtained upon request.

-     Technical program Committee: about 50 % is kept from Madrid.

-     Tutorials: the conference has no tutorials before the official opening but there can be embedded tutorials.

-     Green computing: this topic is a request from TC10. It was not very successful in Madrid but will be kept.


Submission deadline: april 4th, 2011.


Post-meeting reminder (Dominique): funds are available for student grants. A contribution of maximum 1000,00 Ū can be obtained for each student, to help them attend VLSI_SoC. We can have up to 6,5 K Ū. The request should be sent by the VLSI_SoC Chair to the TC10 Chair : Bernhard Eschermann <bernhard.eschermann@ch.abb.com>

This opportunity should be announced on the VLSI_SoC 2011 Webpage.

Update on VLSI_SoC 2012 by Dominique Borrione at the request of Matthew Guthaus.

(see attached subfile from Matthew)

-     The question of having three PC Chairs is raised again. The WG understands the necessity to involve local scientists in the conference. The resolution of this issue is left to the VLSI_SoC steering Committee. The technical program Committee should be in a large part carried from VLSI_SoC 2011. In particular the WG should be involved in the definition of the topics.

-     It should be nice to be able to distribute a preliminary Call for Papers at DAC and ISCAS.

-     The conference Webmaster is the organizer.


Renewal of the WG10.5 Web page and members list

Flavio Wagner can no longer be the Webmaster for the WG 10.5. He has sent all the files to Dominique Borrione who will take over the responsibility. The WG Webpage is being updated. In particular, all members have been contacted to check their e-mail address. A few members have resigned or requested to become honorary members.

Some members have not replied. It is a WG 10.5 rule to consider that the absence of activity without apologies for 3 years constitutes a de facto drop out of the membership.


Publication of post-conference book

At the end of VLSI_SoC, a subset of the best papers is selected for publication in a post-conference book published by SPRINGER. The Program Chair should request the authors for their approval and commitment to provide an extended version of their contribution with a deadline. The post-conference books for VLSI_SoC 2009 and for VLSI_SoC 2010 are still due. To allow a prompt publication, the WG decides:

-     for VLSI_SoC 2009, drop the papers that have not been sent and publish the book with the available papers. Ricardo Reis is in charge.

-     for VLSI_SoC 2010, the General Chair and Program Chair are in charge of contacting the authors and editing the book.

A book for one conference should be out before the next conference. Guidelines and procedures should be prepared and sent to the organizers of the next conferences.


Post meeting: these guidelines exist and are attached as appendix to these minutes.


Future Activities

The following items have been suggested:

-     invite a representative of IFIP at the next meeting. The WG lacks general information about IFIP.
A joint workshop with other TC10 working groups could be organized. For instance WG 10.3 on parallel computing.

-     bring in invited members from industry (proposed by Juergen Becker)

-     organize a trans-continental workshop combined with VLSI_SoC (proposed by Wolfgang Nebel)

-     how about a special interest group on a new topic ? For instance multicores.


Next meetings

June 2011 in combination with DAC, San Diego, USA.

October 2011 in combination with VLSI_SoC 2011, Hong-Kong.








Dominique BORRIONE

Chair of the IFIP WG 10.5

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