1. Update of the list of members
2. Procedure to welcome new members
Candidate proposed by K. Goutis & Candidate proposed by W. Sherwood
(Curricula will be posted on the Web)
3. Working group secretariat: procedure to produce minutes
4. Improving information exchange through better defined procedures.-
5. Reports of previous events (DATE98...)
Every working group member acting as a liaison to any specific event sponsored
by IFIP WG10.5 is kindly requested to prepare a short presentation .
6. Future events: FDL 98 ( W. Nebel/ J.Mermet), CHDL 99 ( R. Waxman)
Every working group member in charge of any other event sponsored by WG
10.5 please prepare a short update.
7. Re-Starting scientific activities in the group
(This point is open to e-mail discussion and will stay on the agenda of
all 1998 meetings)
8. Any other business
Members present
R. Camposano, N. Dutt, M. Glesner, T. Akino (representing M. Imai), A.
Jerraya, G. De Micheli, W. Nebel, H. Ofek, R. Reiss, D. Sciuto, A. Stempkovsky,
A. Subrahmanyam,
R. Waxman.
P. Wilsey, K. Mueller-Glaser.
E. Aas, D; Agnew, F. Anceau, P. Bakowski, D. Borrione, F. Brglez, E.
Cerny, L. Claesen, EM. Clarke, W. Damm, J. Darringer, C. Delgado-Kloos,
H. Diener, H. Everking, N. Fristacky, G. Gopalakrishnan, C. Goutis, W. Grass,
W. Hunt, P. Ivey, S. Johnson, O. Karatsu,
G. Milne, R. Newton, P. Paulin, A. Pawlak, R. Piloty, A. Postula, F. Rammig,
W. Rosenstiel, P. Schwarz, J. Staunstrup, F. Wagner, W. Wolf, A. Yamada.
K. Antreich, M. Barbacci, H. Barringer, K. Buchenrieder, F. Corella, M. Fujita, D. Gale, A. Greiner, R. Hartenstein, G. Hellestrand, D. Luckham, G. Musgrave, M. Robert, G. Saucier.
The IFIP WG 10.5 meeting took place on Thursday, June 18, 1998, at Moscone Center, San Francisco, in conjunction with DAC '98. The meeting started at 6 pm and ended at 7:30 pm.
1. Working Group members
The status of the list of working group members was discussed. There have
been a few resignations. Presently there are 65 members. We need to find
a way to keep them interested. This will be discussed further in items 4
and 7.
2. Procedure to accept and welcome new members.
A plan is needed to admit proposed new members. One such suggested plan
is the following:
- The curricula vitae for newly proposed members should be posted on the WG 10.5 website.
- The website is now : and is and administered by the WG chairman (Jean Mermet).
- It was proposed that at least two current members evaluate each submitted curriculum vitae Knowledge of the candidate by the evaluators is preferred, when possible.
- The qualifications for new members must be defined. Presently, such qualification guidelines do not exist.
- Proposal should be made by an active member of WG 10.5
- Proposal must be seconded by an active member of WG 10.5
- The proposed individual must have been active in the profession for several years
Action item : All – Send your criteria for selecting new members
There are two proposed members under consideration at the present time. One has been proposed by Wil Sherwood, the other by Kostas Goutis. Wil Sherwood is expected to resign his membership, yet has proposed a new member. The two candidates are to be notified by Jean Mermet that their candidacy is under consideration. The procedure for the evaluation is:
Jean Mermet and Ahmed Jerraya are to evaluate the candidate proposed by Kostas Goutis. Nik Dutt and Nanni are to evaluate the candidate proposed by Sherwood.
Action item : They are to report back to the WG. either in Lausanne on Saturday sept. 12th at 14pm or on Nov 7th, Saturday, 8am to 5pm at the Gates Building of Stanford.
3. Working group secretariat, Meeting minutes
Minutes are to be taken at each meeting by a diffferent individual. The
draft is then to be submitted to Jean Mermet who will edit them as a final
4. Improving information exchange among WG members
Procedures need to be established to improve member information exchange.
Some ideas discussed were:
- Preliminary discussions can be held by e-mail.
- The final result of such discussions should be placed on the WG 10.5 web
- For information to the members on the existence of noteworthy information, the WG 10.5 reflector may be used to transmit a pointer to the detailed information which is to be placed on the WG 10.5 web site. Such web information can be a summary of previous discussions by e-mail, or be new information to be utilized to launch a new discussion by e-mail.
Action item: As time for discussion on this topic was short, the minutes will request members to submit other ideas by e-mail.
5. Reports on previous events - DATE
DATE was a very successful event, returning a large surplus. The debt from
the previous conference (predating DATE) was covered with a good surplus
remaining. The expectation is that future DATE events will provide again
Unfortunately WG 10.5 was not able to provide the money for sponsoring DATE
yet and consequently will not share the surplus. Moreover the percentage
of sponsorship of the group was reduced from 6 to 3%.
6. Future events
6a. FDL is a VUFE event in cooperation with WG 10.5. The event will take place in Lausanne in September '98. Jean Mermet presented slides about the coming event, which are attached to the minutes (or provide a web address). See:
6b. CHDL '99 plans were presented by Ron Waxman (Conference Chair). Phil Wilsey (Program Chair), P. Subrahmanyam (Subra) (Tutorial Chair), and Hillel Ofek (Finance Chair) were present. Ron distributed the Call for Papers (view at which included promotional material about the site of the conference - University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, in June of 1999 (view at Phil discussed the procedure for paper submission (electronic). The WG10.5 member list will be solicited by Phil Wilsey to ask for paper reviewers. The budget is being developed and should be available soon. CHDL '99 will take place the week immediately preceeding DAC '99 which will be held in New Orleans - a short air flight from Charlottesville.
6c. Jordi Cortadella and Mark B. Josephs, Conference Chairmen of ASYNC'99
The Fifth International Symposium on Advanced Research in Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (ASYNC'99) will be held in Barcelona (Spain) in April 1999.
We would like to have IFIP WG 10.5 to be one of the sponsors of the conference
(no funding is required). As far as we know, this would correspond to the
"in-cooperation status" of IFIP in ASYNC'99.
The main sponsors are the European Union (ESPRIT ACiD-WG: "Asynchronous
Circuit Design"), and the Ministry of Education of Spain. We are also
planning to have IEEE Computer Society as sponsor, as it happened in all
previous ASYNC conferences.
Ganesh Golapakrishnan (member of WG 10.5) will be involved in ASYNC'99 as tutorial chairman.
The Program Chairmen will be Steven Nowick (Columbia University) and Alexandre Yakovlev (University of Newcastle upon Tyne).
For further information on the ASYNC conferences, you can look at
Please, let us know if you require any further information from us.
7. Restarting Scientific Activities
Sufficient time was not available to discuss this important subject in depth. The points made during the discussion were:
- Task groups must be established on various subjects
- The CONLAN project was given as an example
- One thrust suggested for the present time is system level design.
- One chart by Steve Schulz was also offerred by Jean Mermet as an example of a system level thrust.
- The task groups will report on progress at various times. Opportunities for such reports are at WG 10.5 events, and at the IFIP World Congress event. The WEB site may also be used.
Action item: All
- Jean is requesting in these minutes that members of WG 10.5 submit proposals
for leading edge tasks to be considered. The desired outcome for each task
(the goals) should be stated in the proposals.
8. AOB
8a. Procedure to request money for events
The request must be made to the TC10 chair by the WG 10.5 chair with a budget included in the request. The TC10 chair then carries the request to IFIP. Forms are available on the IFIP web site.
A suggested procedure (not available at this time) is that some percentage of an event surplus could be set aside in a WG 10.5 account. These funds could then be used for general meeting expenses (e.g. to pay for a meeting room for a WG 10.5 meeting). Whether this or another procedure is envisageable will be enquired by J. Mermet before next meeting.
8b. SIG-VHDL (Wolfgang Nebel)
Our home-page has received a little bit more flesh now. Please have a look
and help to keep it interesting and up-to-date by sending me relevent information
and links to be included.
Additionally I would like to remind me to send me an update of your coordinates to be included on the home-page.
8c. Conference Saucier
Warm thanks to Ron Waxman for Draft notes submitted by June 26, 1998