Minutes of IFIP 10.5 Meeting, 10 March 2000
J. Mermet, Chair
Borrione D., Dutt N., Hellestrand D., Mermet J., Ofek H., Waxman R.
Ashenden P., Barton D., Menchini P., Moretti G., Vissers K., Thompson Lance (for Darringer), Alexander Perry, Brophy Dennis
5. P. Ashenden will assist J. Mermet in selecting papers from HDLCon 2000 for inclusion in "The Best of CHDL." P. Ashenden also is co-editor (with Wayne Wolf of Princeton) of a Morgan-Kaufman series on Systems-Level Design. He will look into possibly publishing the first book in the series. IFIP's contract with Kluwer allows them to go to another publisher if the terms are advantageous to IFIP.
There will be a meeting of the editors immediately after FDL in the fall. The conferences from which the papers will be drawn are HDLCon, APChDL, and FDL.
4. D. Barton accepts action item to have a teleconference regarding formation of a SIG on Models of Computation, cosponsored with VI (now unified with OVI) and ECSI. Topics: Desirability, structure, schedule, membership.
1. The agenda was approved by acclamation.
2. The minutes of the Lisbon meeting were approved by acclamation.
3. New members: E. Villar, J. Damore. Call for nomination from the Asia-Pacific region via email. Two members suggested and contacted. They are interested, but concerned about ability to attend. Mermet said that attendance at one meeting/year is sufficient. They will come to Beijing for introduction.
Two members (Barringer and Greiner) have been sent letters suspending their membership due to a lack of interest. Attendance and a presentation of their interest and an explanation of lack of participation is sufficient for reinstatement.
6. Mermet read a report from Martin Edwards.
8. SIG-CHARME not yet completely in existence. Current status of discussion on acronym, and it's meaning: "Special Interest Group on Formal Design and Verification Methods for Correct Hardware-like Systems".
There is an interested group and a mailing list. Maintained by Tom Melham in Glasgow University. He'll also be the Chair of the next CHARME Workshop, to be held near Edinburgh.
Attempt to set up statutes, etc., but group is resisting spending time on administrative issues--want to concentrate purely on science.
Alternate between CHARME (mostly Europe, in odd years) and FMCAD (North America, even years). Several persons in common in the program committees of both.
Next event: FMCAD 2000, Warren Hunt and Steve Johnson co-chairs, in Austin, Texas, November 1-3, 2000.
Issues: All surrounding money. How will the SIG get and spend money in support of scientific meetings. But, since last September, no one has gone ahead and made a proposal for funding.
Mermet: NATO used to support travel expenses for transatlantic meetings. The SIG might be able to gather support from NATO for this purpose. NATO is no longer sponsoring any research. IFIP may be able to provide support (for room rental and other meeting expenses, but not travel) if the meeting is a "Workshop."
11. Mermet had a discussion with Wolfgang Nebel, who will organize a meeting at DATE. Mermet suggesting change of name to SIG-HDL (Menchini: "SIG-DL") and also to restart some real activity in the VHDL sphere. Steve Bailey interested in getting SIG to assist in the collection of VHDL user requirements in Europe. Mermet suggests that more is needed. Perhaps a definition of the purpose of VHDL should be pursued.
7. Approximately 120 paper submissions (100 from China) have been received. Review process about to be started. APChDL 2001 might be in Australia. Conference is in transition and the real test will be in 2001. May 2001 is "good date." ISCAS (in Sydney) is 6-9 May, 2001.
10. FDL 2000 will be in Tuebingen (20 minutes from Stuttgart airport via public transportation). 4-8 September 2000 (first day is the tutorial day). Many interesting social events are planned. The deadline for submissions is the end of March.
9. After much effort and a number of iterations, the contract has been signed! Still much to be decided. 27 March is a meeting of the sponsors. DATE 2001 will be in Munich.
12a. N. Dutt passed around an email from the IFIP Executive Director stating that ACM and IEEE-CS are providing partial travel funding for North Americans to travel to Beijing for APChDL 2000.
12b. DIEPS Workshop is now being sponsored by a new SIG, chaired by F. Rammig. The SIG is within three WGs.