IFIP Working Group 10.5 Minutes Meeting


Rhodes Island, Sunday October 12th, 2008
Grand Hotel (conference venue) lecture Room 2. Time: 3:00-6:00 pm.

Apologies: Franc Brglez, , Donatella Sciuto, Juergen Becker, Nikil Dutt, Klaus D. Mueller-Glaser, Luc Claesen, Osamu Karatsu, Kiyoung, Vincent Mooney


Salvador Mir, Flavio Rech Wagner, Dimitrios Soudris, Ricardo Reis, Michel Robert, Ahmed Jerraya

Cristiano Lazzari (on behalf Luis Miguel Silveira) David Atienza


1) Report on TC 10 meeting in Milano by Michel Robert and Ricardo Reis


The new TC 10 chair is Bernhard Eschermann (Switzerland). Ricardo Reis (Brazil, WG 10.5) is new TC 10 vice-chair and Paolo Prinetto (Italy) is the new secretary.


TC 10 approved a funding of 6500 euros for the WG 10.5 PhD forum.


The next IFIP World Computer Congress will be held in Brisbane, Australia, in 2010. Two TC 10 conferences will be held together: BICC (Biologically Inspired Cooperative Computing) and DIPES (Distributed and Parallel Embedded Systems). TC 10 wishes to attract more people to BICC, especially from other areas.



2) PhD forum


Only three students applied to the PhD forum grants in 2008, all of them from Brazil. More publicity must be done in next years. A special CFP is required. Since VLSI-SoC next year will be held in Brazil, it is necessary to attract students from other countries. It must be remembered that only students from emerging countries may apply to those IFIP funds.



3) VLSI-SoC books


Springer is now producing the book with the best papers from the Atlanta edition. It shall be ready in a few months. The ISBN is already available. Price will be U$ 49 per book.


The budget from the Atlanta edition is not yet finished, since V.Mooney is waiting for the book price. But there is enough margin for buying at least 50 books, the minimum amount required by Springer. In the future, the budget of each conference edition should be closed at most three months after the conference.


The procedure for selecting the best papers from the 2008 edition has been discussed. It has been decided that this procedure shall be defined in the VLSI-SoC guidelines, prepared by the Steering Committee.



4) Report on VLSI-SoC 2008


Dimitrios Soudris gave a detailed report on the organization of VLSI-SoC 2008 :

- Number of participants: 124

- Countries : 31 (Submissions from: Greece, France, Spain, Brazil, Canada, USA, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Cyprus, Egypt, Tunis, Israel, Italy, Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Czech, Denmark, Sweden, China, Philippines, Taiwan, India, Bangladesh, Australia, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Norway)

- Number of submissions: 193 papers

- Total number of accepted papers: 98 papers

- Regular papers (6 pages) : 56 papers (acceptance rate : 29%)

- Poster papers (4 pages) : 42 papers (total acceptance rate : 51 %)

- Special sessions : 12 papers

- Total : (98 + 12)=110 papers

- Number of reviewers: 165

- Number of reviews : asked for 193*3 (i.e., 3 reviewers) reviews, received 501 reviews : 2.6 reviews per paper

- 3 Keynote speakers :

Interconnect-Based Design Challenges in High Performance Two- and Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuits and Systems by Professor Eby G. Friedman,University of Rochester, USA
Design and Programming strategies for MPSoC by Dr. Ahmed JERRAYA, CEA-LETI, MINATEC, France

CLEAN: Leakage Aware Design for Next Generation's SOCs by Dr. Ing. Roberto Zafalon, STMicroelectronics, Agrate Brianza (MILANO), Italy

- 1 Invited speaker, 4 Special Sessions, 56 oral presentations, 42 posters, 3 posters for IST European-funded projects, 10 poster presentations for Ph.D. Forum


Regarding publicity, D.Soudris and D.Atienza propose that WG 10.5 does not need to have its own distribution list, because the CEDA, HiPEAC and Artist lists are already very large and broad.


The in-conference proceedings have been produced without ISBN, but all papers will be in IEEE Xplore, with an IEEE ISBN. It has been decided that an ISBN will be requested urgently to IFIP for the printed proceedings and then sent to all conference participants that received them. In the future, printed proceedings should always have an ISBN from IEEE. This shall be put in the VLSI-SoC guidelines, prepared by the Steering Committee.



5) Report on VLSI-SoC 2009, by Ricardo Reis


VLSI-SoC 2009 will be held in Florianopolis, Brazil , from 12 to 14 October. The CFP has been distributed. General Chair will be Jose Guntzel (UFSC, Brazil), and Program Chair will be Juergen Becker. It has been decided by the WG that all papers presented at the conference (both oral presentations and posters) will have six pages in the proceedings. This shall be put in the VLSI-SoC guidelines.



6) Report on EduTech 2009, by Ricardo Reis


Previous editions of EduTech have been held in Toulouse (2004) and Perth (2005). The next edition will be held in Florianopolis, together with VLSI-SoC, in 2009. General Chair will be Ricardo Reis, and Program Chair will be Achim Rettberg (Oldenburg). Achim already sent invitations to potential TPC members.


It has been emphasized that a good link to TC 3 is really important and that it is expected that TC 3 effectively participates in the conference. Ricardo also proposed CEDA involvement.



7) Report on VLSI-SoC 2010, by David Atienza


The conference is planned for September 28-30. This time frame does not conflict with ESWeek and allows free utilization of University facilities. Facilities would be also available for additional workshops on October 1st and 2nd. Program Chairs will be Rajesh Gupta (UCSD) and Luca Benini (Bologna).


CEDA shall be financially involved with 20%, as it has been decided for the 2006 edition in Nice. It has been noticed that there was no financial involvement of CEDA in the 2007 and 2008 editions, in Atlanta and Rhodes, respectively.


A more extensive report, regarding the venue, lodging and social events, can be found in the attached PPT file.



8) Proposal for VLSI-SoC 2011


Salvador Mir reported on the proposal of Chi-Ying Tsui, from the Hong-Kong University of Science and Technology, regarding the organization of VLSI-SoC 2011. Unfortunately, for medical reasons, the proposer could not be present himself in Rhodes. A PPT file regarding the proposal has been presented.


WG members expressed their preliminary approval to the proposal, taking into account some remarks : Salvador Mir will contact Chi-Ying Tsui to discuss the conference guidelines and update his proposal.


It has been also suggested that Chi-Ying Tsui should be invited to become a WG member.



9) Proposals for other future VLSI-SoC editions


Dimitrios Soudris reported on a possible proposal from KTH Stockholm. But a concrete proposal is yet to be received. Michel Robert expressed his intention of receiving a proposal from North Africa. A decision on the organization of VLSI-SoC 2012 can be taken next year.



10) VLSI-SoC guidelines


The guidelines must be updated by the recent and future general chairs of VLSI-SoC. It has been emphasized that they must be effectively followed in the conference organization.



11) SBCCI 2008


Ricardo Reis reported on SBCCI 2008, which was held in Gramado, Brazil. It has been the 25th edition of the conference and the 10th edition with IFIP co-sponsorship. It has attracted 372 attendees. The 2009 edition will be held in Natal, Brazil.



12) New members


Dimitrios Soudris proposed Antonis Papanikolaou, from IMEC. Also Chi-Ying Tsui, from the Hong-Kong University of Science and Technology, has been suggested. Those indications must follow the usual procedure of WG 10.5 for the approval of new members.



13) Next meetings


The next meeting will be held in Nice, on Monday, April 20, 2009, at the occasion of DATE. Other meetings in 2009 will be held during VLSI-SoC (Florianopolis, October 12-14). If enough participants, a meeting could be organized at next DAC (San Francisco, July 26-31).



- VLSI-SoC 2008: Rhodes Island, Greece

- VLSI-SoC 2007: Atlanta, Georgia, USA

- VLSI-SoC 2006: Nice, France

- VLSI-SoC 2005: Perth, Western Australia

- VLSI-SoC 2003: Darmstadt, Germany

- VLSI-SoC 2001: Montpellier, France

- VLSI 1999: Lisbon, Portugal

- VLSI 1997: Gramado (near Porto Alegre), Brazil

- VLSI 1995: Chiba, Japan

- VLSI 1993: Grenoble, France

- VLSI 1991: Edinburgh, Scotland

- VLSI 1989: Munich, Germany

- VLSI 1987: Vancouver, Canada

- VLSI 1985: Tokyo, Japan

- VLSI 1983: Trondheim, Norway

- VLSI 1981: Edinburgh, Scotland