IFIP Working Group 10.5 Minutes Meeting


Nice, Acropolis, Date conference,
Monday April 20 2009
Time: 5:00-7:00 pm.
Attendees : Ricardo Reis, Michel Robert, David Atienza, Nikil Dutt, Alexander Stempkovskiy, Salvador Mir, Eugenio Villar, Juergen Becker, Luis Miguel Silveira, Jose L. Ayala, Dominique Borrione
Apologies:A. Jerraya, E. J. Aas, C. Delgado, Kiyoung Choi, D. Sciuto, F. Rammig, W. Grass, L. Claesen, Klaus D. Mueller-Glaser; D. Gale, F. Brglez, W. rosenstiel, Peter Schwarz. F Wagner and D.Soudris (flight connection problem)




- IFIP general information


The next IFIP World Computer Congress will be held in Brisbane, Australia, from 20 to 23 September 2010. Two TC 10 conferences will be held together: BICC (Biologically Inspired Cooperative Computing) and DIPES (Distributed and Parallel Embedded Systems). TC 10 wishes to attract more people to BICC, especially from other areas. A meeting of TC10 will be organized soon in Estoril (Portugal).

The next TC10 meeting will be organized during the DSN conference (www.dsn.org) in Estoril (close to Lisbon/Portugal) on July 2 (Bernhard Eschermann).



- New member


After the positive feedback of the WG, Jose L. Ayala was invited. He presents his research work and is accepted as a new IFIP member. Pro. Ayala is very active in the research fields of 3D integrated circuits design and low-power compilation techniques for

high-performance embedded systems.


- New member proposals


The following candidates are being considered:


- 1) Salvador: Professor (Chi Ying) from Hong Kong , working on VLSI design. He offers to organize VLSI-SoC in 2011 in Hong Kong . We recommend that he participates to the next VLSI SOC events. Salvador will send a mail to the WG. Prof. Tsui is very active in the research fields of low power circuit and system design. In particular he is interested in low power system design for wireless communication, smart power management systems and energy harvesting. He was the Chair of Low Power Design sub-committee of ACM-SIGDA Technical Committee in 2006 and currently a member of the sub-committee. He is also serving on the editorial board of Integration, the international VLSI Journal. He helped in organizing the ASP-DAC conference and served on the technical programming committee in many other international conferences and symposium.


- 2) Ricardo: proposal from University of Santa Cruz, CA, : will be discussed during VLSI-SoC 2009. with a proposal for the organization of VLSI-SoC in Santa Cruz.


- 3) David: proposal as new member: Antonis Papanikolaou

We propose to start again the process of validating this candidate by the WG members. Due to the absence of Prof. Dimitrios Soudris due to a problem with the plane connection in Frankfurt to make it to Nice on time for the IFIP meeting, David summarizes the background of the new proposed member, i.e., Dr. Antonis Papanikolaou. Dr. Papanikolaou is currently Senior Researcher at the Technical University of Athens, Greece. Previously, he was Senior Researcher of the DESICS Division of IMEC, The inclusion of Dr. Papanikolaou in the WG 10.5 would be very interesting to extend the expertise of the working group on reliability issues of segmented buses and memories manufactured in latest technology nodes, where he is very active in the last few years in the European research community.


- VLSI-SoC Books (Springer)


Springer is producing the books with the best papers from the VLSI-SoC conferences.


- VLSI-SoC'07 Atlanta Book

Ricardo mention that Springer takes care but a new group from India has been assigned and this is delaying the process. Available in Springer links, but printed version is now delayed to May.

- VLSI-SoC'08 Rhodes Book

The package of selected paper will be ready end of April (Dimitris)


The delay for the book processing is too long (more than 1 year delay). The problem is the Springer Group from India and the delay is not acceptable. Nikil proposes to use camera-ready papers to reduce delay and avoid compromising the content. Ricardo mention that there is not response to the emails sent to the responsible person in Springer. Ricardo and Michel will address this problem to IFIP.


- Next VLSI-SoC events :

- Report on VLSI-SoC 2009 (October 12-15) and Edutech 2009, by Ricardo Reis and Juergen Becker

85 regular submissions, other years there have been more than 100 submissions. The next edition of EduTech will be held in Florianopolis, together with VLSI-SoC, in 2009 (October 15, 16) . General Chair will be Ricardo Reis, and Program Chair will be Achim Rettberg (Oldenburg).


- Report on VLSI-SoC 2010, by David Atienza (28-30 September)

Meeting of steering committee will be on 29th. WCC-2010 is just one week after. David will check possible collisions with Embedded Systems Week.

Overall budget. Ricardo and Dominique: claim the budget is too high due to lunch prize and propose to assume everybody deserve the discount on the registration (conservative process). Nikil and Juergen propose to re-calculate the budget and reduce the cost of extra issues. The budget calculation should focus toward registration price as low as possible, particularly for PhD students.



- Proposals for other future VLSI-SoC editions


- 2011 in China (Prof. Tsui proposal) : proposal of Chi-Ying Tsui, from the Hong-Kong University of Science and Technology.


- 2012 in California (tentative)


- Proposal for future events (Europe, India or North Africa)



- Next WG meetings


- DAC 2009 (tentative) : the 46th DAC will be held July 26 - 31, 2009, in San Francisco, CA.

- VLSI-SoC 2009 in Brazil, on October 12 (Monday , first day of the conference).