IFIP Working Group 10.5 Minutes Meeting


Florianopolis, 12/10/2009, VLSI-SoC conference

Attendees : Ricardo Reis, David Atienza, P.A.Subrahmanyam (Subra), Flavio Rech Wagner, L.M. Silveira, Franz Rammig, Michel Robert, Dominique Borrione, Salvador Mir, Juergen Becker, Manfred Glesner, Matthew Guthaus (invited), Ian O'Connor (invited)

and Chi Ying Tsui from Hong Kong (over skype conference)


Meeting opened by Michel Robert. L.M. Silveira helps on elaborating the minutes of the meeting. Michel proposes the agenda: new members introduction, discussion on the VLSI-SoC conference and books.


1 - New members presentation


WG Members had previously voted with a very positive feedback. The following candidates have been be invited for a presentation :


- Matthew Guthaus, UC Santa Cruz, USA

Matthew Guthaus is Assistant Professor at Computer Engineering of University of California Santa Cruz, California. He is very active and he is willing to propose the organization of VLSI-SoC2012 in Santa Cruz California.

Topics : VLSI Design Automation for reliability and variability


- Ian O'Connor, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France

Ian O'Connor is Professor for Heterogeneous and Nanoelectronics Systems Design at Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France. He is currently head of the Heterogeneous Systems Design group at the Lyon Institute of Nanotechnology (approximately 200 people), of which he is also one of the deputy-directors. Since 2008, he also holds a position of Adjunct Professor at Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada.
Topics: Design, emerging technologies, nanoscale computing fabric, Optical Noc's

Ian has given a keynote speech at VLSI-SoC 2009.


- Chi Ying Tsui, Dept. of Electr. & Comp. Eng. HK S&T, China (over skype conference)

Pr. Tsui (Chi Ying) from Hong Kong, working on VLSI design. He offers to organize VLSI-SoC in 2011 in Hong Kong, and is very active in the research fields of low power circuit and system design. He was the Chair of Low Power Design sub-committee of ACM-SIGDA Technical Committee in 2006 and currently a member of the sub-committee. He is also serving on the editorial board of Integration, the international VLSI Journal. He helped in organizing the ASP-DAC conference and served on the technical programming committee in many other international conferences and symposium.

Topics : Low Power Design : Digital, Wireless Baseband System, SoC and Network-on-chip design; Power Management System Design for DVFS.


The WG approves the nomination of Matthew Guthaus , Ian O'Connor, and Chi Ying Tsui as new members of IFIP TC 10 WG 10.5


2 - Status of VLSI-SoC book (Ricardo)


- Book from Atlanta available and distributed (some copies on table available at conference)


- Book from Rhodes delayed. Dimitrios is now ok and proceeding with the book preparation. He now has all papers in final version.


Series of IFIP books used to be done through the Springer branch in Boston which was not so quick in responding to requests. Book should be ready by the end of the year.


- Ricardo mention that there is also a small change in the book covers related to IFIP's Lecture Notes



3- Summary of VLSI-SoC 2009 (Juergen and Ricardo)


Juergen : 29 full papers (+ posters) out of 81 submitted. Quality ok. For the book selection of the 8 to 10 best papers after the feedback of the presentation plus the keynote speakers. List of 15 top reviewed papers has been distributed to the WG members.


David asked whether the decision on the Best Paper Award will become public on the last day (as it was last year) or not. Michel proposed a meeting for Wednesday, lunch and after the last session: open to all members, to finalize decisions on Best Paper and book. Juergen agrees that we should check the grades and make a decision beforehand and announce the Best Paper at the end of the conference.


Ricardo: about 100 participants registered. Some support still has not arrived (from Santa;Catarina state), but a small surplus expected. Also, VLSI-SoC 2009 received a grant from IEEE CAS to support students. CAS was added as a sponsor.



4 - Status of VLSI-SoC 2010 (Madrid)


David Atienza: Dates are last week of September, 27th - 29th Sept. ESweek a month away, no overlap. Facilities are already negotiated with Complutense University and available for the scheduled dates. Then, the WG meeting is possible on Sunday or Thursday (or on Wednesday afternoon, after the conference is finalized). Additional workshop could also be done Sunday or Thursday

Budget assumes 100 attendants, but David expects 150+.

David proposes the review system to be done with EasyChair: at no cost, and it includes a basic review scheme with three roles: program chair (full view), topic chairs (full view of a set of papers defined by the program chair) and TPC member (only able to view the set of papers assigned to him/her for review).Based on this division of roles, David suggests the incorporation of a detailed hierarchy on the TPC structure, where there will be exactly these three roles: the program chairs will select a set of topic chairs that cover the whole technical scope of VLSI-SoC and these chairs will take care of selecting the TPC members in their different fields. Ideally this list of TPC members should be preserved and updated every year with new incorporations and removal of not active members, in order to build a stable VLSI-SoC community. Salvador Mir indicated that we must involved Asian TPC members, and it is agreed that David, Salvador (as program chair for 2011) and Matthew (organizer of 2012) will interact to have common basis for multiple years in the definition of the TPC structure and members.
Michel recalls the idea to include discussion on new topics, namely Green Computing. David mentions that the idea is to have a Special Panel Session on this topic with industrial participation. Gupta is preparing a session with people from Sun Microsystems.
Also IBM Zurich (Bruno Michel, Manager of the Advanced Packaging and Cooling Solutions group) will likely have an invited presentation and participate in the panel.

Michel suggests new WG members be involved as much as possible. In this case, Matthew Guthaus agrees to take care of the organization of the Special Session and will work with Ayse K. Coskun (Special Session Co-Chair) to work on the set of invited speakers that will


A discussion regarding sponsorship was made for VLSI-SoC 2010. IEEE CEDA could sponsor anywhere between 30%-50%. But IEEE CAS also wants to be a sponsor. David proposes IFIP at 50%, CAS at 25%-30% and CEDA as 30%-25%.

It appears reasonable and all present members seem to agree on this scheme: 50% IFIP, 50% IEEE, divided between CAS and CEDA (equal parts, 25% each). This final scheme needs to be discussed with CAS, as no prior agreement was made with this society regarding their specific participation interest on VLSI-SoC. Ricardo indicates that he will propose this distribution in the next CASS meeting in New York, next week, and then we will have a final answer.



5 - View of VLSI-SoC 2011

Chi-Ying Tsui : proposed date: 17-19 Oct. Possible Issues with ESweek conflict. To be checked: David will talk to Donatella.

Budget: considerable discussion. Venue costs appears expensive. No accounting for invited speaker costs. Expected average income per participant (550USD) seems high; seems that most are on late cost and full payment. To lower costs conference could be hosted near the university, but there are no hotels really nearby, as VLSI-SoC attendees will need to take a bus for 15-20 minutes to arrive to the conference venue

The costs for book and proceedings/cdrom seem too low, andprobably will need to be increased.

Michel suggests that taking into account our experience of organization, Salvador, Ricardo, David and Chi-Ying Tsui, have a discussion to try to have the same cost model for the organisation. Matthew will be involved in the discussion as well to keep him informed to give him a budget organization estimation for the organization of 2012.



6- Proposals for other future VLSI-SoC editions


- 2012 in California (Santa Cruz) : tentative; presentation of the project, discussion and decision during our next meting.


- Proposal for 2013: Istanbul? To be analyzed and discussed.



Extra :


- Flavio has been maintaining the Web site and mailing list for 8 years! If there are volunteers to take over this task he would gladly give them the task.


- Next meeting: @DATE in Dresden. Dominique asked about the specific date. This will have to be checked with people that are also involved in DATE.