Minutes of the IFIP Working Group 10.5 Meeting

Atlanta, Technology Square Building,room 423, Monday October 15 from 5:00 to 7:30 PM.


Present: V. Money, R. Reis, M. Robert, D. Soudris, F. Wagner L.M. Silveira, S.Mir, D. Atienza



1. New members presentation


Two new members joined the WG : Salvador Mir (Reliable Mixed-signal Systems) and David Atienza (Design Automation Methodologies for Integrated Circuits and Embedded Systems). David is the youngest member of the WG.



2. VLSI-SoC'2007


Very good organization of the event by the General Chair, Vincent Money. 80 participants., 46 papers presented in two parallel sessions, 15 posters, a PhD forum, 3 keynote speakers (nanotech, DSP, EDA), 1 panel (SiP-SoC-SoP).

A proceeding has been published. A book with the best papers will be published afterwards by Springer.



3. VLSI-SoC'2008


D.Soudris gave an overview of the organization of VLSI-SoC'2008, which will be held in Rhodes Island, from October 13 to 15 (see web site). Program chairs will be Christian Piguet, from CSEM in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, and Thanos Stouratis, from the University of Patras, Greece. The meeting of the WG 10.5 will be organized just before the event (half a day).



4. VLSI-SoC'2009, 10, 11


VLSI-SoC'2009 will be organised in Brazil (2008, Porto Alegre, GC Ricardo Reis). David Atienza gave an overview of a proposal for the organization of VLSI-SoC'2010 in Madrid . The proposal has been accepted, and david will be the GC of VLSI-SoC'2010.

VLSI-SoC'2011 could be organised in Asia. We need to involve in the WG new members that participate to the conference and could take in charge the event.

An open question concern education in our field: connexions with WG 3.6 ? interest for an education track ?, joint event like in Perth?



5. VLSI-SoC steering committee


Salvador Mir, GC chair of VLSI-SoC'2006, joins the steering committee (SC).



6. VLSI-SoC guidelines


A summary of the guidelines for the preparation of the conference is discussed and will be available soon.



7. IFIP TC 10


The new TC 10 chair is Bernhard ESCHERMANN from Switzerland



8. Next meeting


Next WG meetings will be held in

- Munich during the next DATE conference : March 10-14, 2008, Munich, Germany

- Rhodes island, in October 2007, before the VLSI-SoC conference.