

IFIP Working Group 10.5 Minutes Meeting

Austin Convention Center, Austin,USA
19/06/2017 (18:00-20:00)
In conjunction with DAC 2017


Notes taken by Ricardo Reis



Attendees: Eugenio Villar, Kiyoung Choi, Graziano Pravadelli, Wolfgang Rosenstiel, and Ricardo Reis


 Apologies: Masahiro Fujita, Manfred Glesner, Tiziana Margaria, David Atienza, Fatih Ugurdag, Srinivas Katkoori, Flavio Rech Wagner, Dominique Borrione, Matthew R. Guthaus, Chi-Ying Tsui, Adam Pawlak. Alexander Stempkovsky, Reiner Hartenstein



Invited: Ibrahim Elfadel, Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon




       Presentation of the Proposal to host VLSI-SoC 2020 in Salt Lake City

       Status of VLSI-SOC 2016 book

       Status of preparation of VLSI-SoC 2017

       Applications for future venues of VLSI-SoC

       Silver Core Award



Ricardo thanks the members of the WG for their participation in the meeting.


Status of preparation of VLSI-SoC 2018 in Verona by by Graziano Pravadelli


See attached slides. Information on slides is not repeated here.


It was observed to Graziano that the CFP should be ready asap as the deadline for VLSI-SoC 2017 has already past.



Status of the VLSI-SOC 2016 book by Ricardo Reis


The manuscript of the book of VLSI-SoC 2016 revised best papers (VLSI-SOC'16 book) is ready to be sent to Springer for publishing. It is only missing some few copyright forms to upload the material into the Springer website.


Status of preparation of VLSI-SoC 2017 in Abu Dhabi by Ibrahim Elfadel


See attached slides. Information on slides is not repeated here.


Proposals for the organization of VLSI-SoC 2020


Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon presented a proposal to host VLSi-SoC in Salt Lake City in 2020. See attached slides. Information on slides is not repeated here. The committee has done some few observations about the proposal that were already been considering in the attached file.


Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon should do a presentation of the proposal in the next meeting, in Abu Dhabi, where the decision about VLSI-SoC 2020 should be done.




Nominations for the IFIP Silver Core and IFIP Service Award must be done till next July 2017. Ricardo Reis proposed to the WG, to nominate Dominique Borrione for the Silver Core Award and it was approved by all participants of the meeting. Now WG chair should send the proposal to TC10, that will present the nomination to the IFIP General Assembly.


OBS: After the meeting we observed that Dominique already got the Silver Core award several years ago.


Next meeting: Abu Dhabi, October 2017, in conjunction with VLSI-SoC 2017