IFIP Working Group 10.5
Minutes Meeting
Abu Dhabi, 22/10/2017 (16:00-19:30)
In conjunction with VLSI-SoC 2017
Notes taken by Dominique Borrione
Corrections by Masahiro
Fujita and Ricardo Reis
Attendees: Dominique Borrione, Kiyoung Choi, Ibrahim
Elfadel, Masahiro Fujita, Manfred Glesner, Tiziana Margaria (online), Salvador
Mir, Luciano Ost, Graziano
Pravadelli, Ricardo Reis, Chi-Ying Tsui, Fatih Ugurdag
Jose L. Ayala, Jrgen Becker, Andrea Calimera, Luc Claesen, Pierre-Emmanuel
Gaillardon, Reiner W. Hartenstein, Michael Hbner, Srinivas Katkoori, Ian
O'Connor, Franz Rammig, Flvio Rech Wagner, Wolfgang Rosenstiel, Donatella
Sciuto, Luis Miguel Silveira, Leandro Soares Indrusiak, Eugenio Villar
Invited: Nicola Bombieri, Carlos
Welcome and approval
of minutes of previous meeting
Status of VLSI-SOC
2016 book
Status of VLSI-SOC
Status of preparation of VLSI-SoC 2018
Status of preparation of VLSI-SoC 2019
Application for VLSI-SoC 2020
Application for VLSI-SoC 2021
Discussions on cross-domain conference on IoT, September
18-20, 2018 in Poznan
IFIP Fellow award
Welcome and presentation of minutes of
previous meeting
Masahiro thanks our host Ibrahim Elfadel for organizing the
venue of the meeting.
Ricardo Reis presents the
minutes of meeting during DAC which have been approved. Not well
attended, because the Tuesday was conflicting with many other meetings.
It is suggested that the next time, the meeting at DAC should be on
Wednesday evening (not noon).
Status of VLSI-SOC'16 book by Ricardo Reis
The book of VLSI-SoC
2016 revised best papers (VLSI-SOC'16 book) is already published. It is
available for free access to the participants of VLSI-SOC 2017 and during 4
weeks, on line on the web site of Springer, but when accessed from VLSI-SoC 2017 website. The Books related to
VLSI-SoC from 1997 to nowadays are also freely accessible from the conference
website during these 4 weeks (until Nov.23).
Status of
VLSI-SOC 2017 by Ibrahim Elfadel
There was a PC meeting
just before, where all the information about the programme was presented.
Ibrahim presents the 3 social events.
Welcome address: a state
minister for education was scheduled to give the welcome address, but the
ministries have been changed last Tuesday.
100 participants, 85 paying registrations
26 K$ revenue from
registrations + industry and institutions support:
9 foreign PhD students
in the PhD forum. They should get support from IFIP.
The programme also includes
a local students poster session.
Manfred and Ricardo will have podium time to tell the
history of VLSI-SoC and celebrate the 25th anniversary of VLSI-SoC.
Status of preparation of VLSI-SOC 2018 by Graziano Pravadelli
See attached slides. Information on slides is not repeated
The Roseo hotel Leon dOro has been reserved. 1km away from
city center. There are many other hotels nearby (see list in slides).
A theme has been selected for the conference: see slide
A PhD School could be
organized in cooperation with Politecnico di Torino. Still to be decided.
ESWEEK will be in Turin in the week of Sept 30 to Oct 5;
Lectures of the PhD
school will be on Oct 5-7
VLSI-SoC on Oct 8-10.
Students could attend
either ESWEEK+PhD School or PhD School+VLSI-SoC
Turin Verona: 2:30
hours of train.
Conservative budget,
based on IEEE fee only, and only support of 3K sponsorship from University of
Break even point: 90
participants paying IEEE fee
Call for Papers has already been distributed to several
conferences, by people from Verona and by Ricardo. Graziano brought paper copies of
the Preliminary Call for Papers to be included in the conference material of
the VLSI-SoC17 attendees.
Remarks: the list of
Steering Committee is to be updated. Salvador Mir will send information to
Logos: one more to be added.
The WG agrees that it is OK to replace a gift to the
attendees by a donation to a non-profit organization.
Social activities:
2-hours guided tour of
the city + dinner in a restaurant in the city center
Wine tour moving
around the hills, and dining in one of the villas
Going to the Garda
lake (keep for the last day?)
The invitations to the TPC are not yet sent, should be
started next week.
Salvador reminds that an invitation should be sent to WG
members to involve them. To be done prior to inviting other people in the TPC.
Report on FDL
2017, Graziano Pravadelli
Technical co-sponsorship
from IFIP WG10.5 without financial implication.
See attached slides. Information on slides is not repeated
Sept 18-20 2017 in Verona.
FDL no longer organized by ECSI.
The name will change,
not the acronym : design languages are no longer a big thing; papers are
on verification, embedded software, multi-core
HLDVT: another conference, last week in Santa Cruz, 30 attendees
There is a question about the possibility of merge. But there is a problem
with the geographical tradition of these events : HLDVT is mainly in
Northern America and came to Europe only once; FDL is European.
Masahiro reported that
having HLDVT in Europe a second time had been suggested but has not been
decided during HLDVT17.
Decision: Next FDL18
will be supported by WG10.5, as previously : technical co-sponsorship from
IFIP WG10.5 without financial implication.
Status of organization
of VLSI-SoC 2019 by Carlos Silva-Cardenas, Pontifical Catholic University of Per
(PUCP), Cuzco
See attached slides.
Information on slides is not repeated here.
PUCP has the experience
of organizing many conferences in Cusco, Per.
They are used to work
with the convention center.
Two hotels nearby: 120$
and 100$ per night
A draft call for papers
is distributed during the meeting, to be completed with many Chair names.
Provisional date:
October 6-9, 2019.
ESWEEK date not known at
this time, they dont have a fixed week.
Discussion about the date. Salvador proposes to make a Doodle
and ask the WG members to answer the preferred date.
Proposal for the organization of VLSI-SoC 2020
5-7 October in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Proposal was presented at the previous meeting at DAC.
Masahiro Fujita presents
the slides of Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon, who could not come to this meeting.
Beginning of October: no snow. This is why they propose 1st
week of October.
The proposal gives two
In the budget, the IFIP fee is not included.
The option of the campus would be preferable for cost
reasons, and for student accommodation.
Convention Center and
Hotel at Campus are in neighboring buildings.
Attendance in the USA is
always low.
In Salt Lake City, there
is a tram service between the airport and campus, going through down town.
The Working Group
approves to have VLSI-SoC 2020 in Utah.
Preference for University of Utah Campus.
Proposal for the organization of VLSI-SoC 2021, York, GB,
by Luciano Ost
Joint proposal of Luciano Ost and Leandro Indrusiak.
Luciano and Leandro have
looked at several options in York. Luciano presents their preferred two. Both
have a cost of 15K for 100 participants
The main reason for
having VLSI-SoC 2021 in Great Britain is the celebration of the Conference 40th
anniversary. The Conference first venue was Edinburgh.
Salvador feels 2021
would be the turn of Asia, and would like to give a chance to an Asian
proposal. Also, we are 4 years ahead of time. Ricardo support the idea to
celebrate the 40th anniversary in UK. The last VLSI-SoC edition in
UK was in Edinburgh in 1991.
After discussion in the
group, it is voted to postpone the final decision on the venue of VLSI-SoC 2021
to the WG meeting in October 2018.
Cross Domain
Conference and Committee on IoT, by Ricardo Reis
A draft Call for Papers
was sent by Riccardo. The conference is to be held September 18-20 2018 in
Poznan, Poland as part of the World Computer Congress
Can we propose some members to the Program Committee?
The idea is to discuss
IoT from the point of view of different communities, and have people from
different WG.
Chi-Ying Tsui and
Ibrahim Elfadel are interested in participating.
IFIP Fellow award
New award. TC chairs are requested to nominate people
before Feb. 28, 2018
Salvador proposes Ricardo.
There is a form to be filled for each nomination.
Ricardo says we should
nominate 3 or 4 people.
Ricardo and Dominique
with the help of added volunteer members will constitute a committee to make
nomination proposals.
Ricardo has done a short
report about SBCCI. The 2017 was organized at Fortaleza, and it was a
successful edition. SBCCI is being co-sponsored by WG10.5 since year 2000.
Ricardo also distributed
the SBCCI 2018 Call for Papers, which will celebrate 35 years next year. SBCCI
2018 will be organized in Bento Gonalves, Brazil (about 120 km from Porto
Alegre), the main Brazilian wine region.
SBCCI2019 will be in So Paulo.
Next meeting: Dresden,
March 2018, in conjunction with DATE 2018