

IFIP Working Group 10.5 Minutes Meeting

Daejeon Congress Center, 04/10/2015 (15:00-17:00)
In conjunction with VLSI-SoC 2015


Notes taken by Dominique Borrione




Attendees: Dominique Borrione, Kiyoung Choi, Luc Claesen, Masahiro Fujita, Manfred Glesner, Salvador Mir, Ricardo Reis, Chi-Ying Tsui, Fatih Ugurdag(by Skype)


 Apologies: Jose L. Ayala, Jürgen Becker, Ayse Coskun, Giovanni De Micheli,  Nikil Dutt, Dan Gale, Matthew R. Guthaus, Reiner W. Hartenstein,  Michael Hübner,  Masaharu Imai,  Ahmed Jerraya, Takashi Kambe, Srinivas Katkoori,  Carlos Delgado Kloos, Tiziana Margaria,  Wolfgang Nebel, Ian O'Connor, Adam Pawlak, Franz J. Rammig,  Flávio Rech Wagner, Wolfgang Rosenstiel,  Donatella Sciuto,  Luis Miguel Silveira, Dimitrios Soudris, P.A. Subrahmanyam,  Eugenio Villar


Invited: Ibrahim Elfadel, Jaan Raik, Naehyuck Chang




       Status of VLSI-SOC 2014 book

       Status of preparation of VLSI-SoC 2016

       Final presentation and vote on applications for future venues of VLSI-SoC:

       Abu Dhabi


       Election of WG Chair





Dominique thanks our hosts Kiyoung Choi and Naehyuck Chang, for organizing the venue of the meeting.


Status of VLSI-SOC 2013 and 2014 books by Ricardo Reis


The book of VLSI-SoC 2013 revised best papers (VLSI-SOC'13 book) is available on line on the web site of Springer. 50 copies are going to be shipped to Fatih Ugurdag, as VLSI-SOC'13 Chair, for him to redistribute to the authors of the contributed chapters. Springer no longer sends the printed volumes individually to the authors, they charge for that service.

The VLSI-SOC'14 book is in production, and should be available around October 17. Springer has not yet asked to whom the copy should be sent.


Ricardo had gathered the covers of most of the previous VLSI-SoC books.

He will send the file to Salvador, who agreed to put them on the Conference website, or on the WG web site.


We should have a permanent VLSI-SoC web page, and a template to be filled for each year event of the series. The problem with this suggestion is the acceptance by the web master who is in charge of an event website. Some webmasters are used to their tools and standards, and do not accept to work with pages made with different tools.


It is a permanent feature that each conference website refers to the previous conferences, with a link to their website. These websites should be saved in a centralized place, to avoid losing the history of the conference when, e.g., a past chair moves.


Salvador and Dominique will write to the previous general chairs to get an electronic copy of all the web pages of their past VLSI-SoC event.


Status of preparation of VLSI-SoC 2016 by Jaan Raik


See attached slides. Information on slides is not repeated here.


The hotel has been reserved. It is not really in the center of the city, for reasons of cost and reachability (the center suffers traffic congestion). In particular, it is on the right side of the city to go to the social event: the Open Air Museum.

The price of the rooms will be in the order of 100€/person/night.


There was a discussion about the availability of local industrial sponsors.


Two urgent tasks to be done ASAP:

-       doing the paper work with IFIP to get sponsorship (an electronic form to be filled on the site of IFIP), and with IEEE to sign the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

-       Nominating the track chairs so they can build their committee before the end of the 2015 year.


Track chairs and TPC members are expected to be active in soliciting papers, and may submit a paper themselves. There is a special track managed by the PC chair for the evaluation of the papers where track chairs or TPC members are co-authors, due to conflict of interest.


The program chairs of VLSI-SoC 2015 will request from the track chairs to give the names of their track committee members, with an indication of who performed well as a committee member, and who was prevented to perform (and thus should not be invited to the next TPC).

This list will be passed to the next TPC chairs, and to the Chair of the Steering Committee (Salvador Mir).


Jaan brought 70 paper copies of the Preliminary Call for Papers for distribution to the participants of VLSI-SoC 2015.


Proposals for the organization of VLSI-SoC 2017


At the June 2015 meeting in San Francisco, there were 3 proposals: Boston area, South Florida, and Abu Dhabi. The Boston and Abu Dhabi projects have been presented 3 times in front of the WG and refined.

None of the USA proposers could attend the current decision making meeting, nor be represented.


Abu Dhabi bid for VLSI-SoC 2017, by Ibrahim Elfadel


See attached slides. Information on slides is not repeated here.


Abu Dhabi is 120 Km away from Dubai, and it is an easy drive.

Abu Dhabi has invested 30 million $ on academic electronic infrastructure over the past 5 years. In addition, there is a strong industrial presence. This justifies that VLSI-SoC come to Abu Dhabi.

It is felt that a conference should be able to show what is going on in its scientific area in the region around the conference venue.


The WG requests that one of the TPC chairs be a WG member, to ensure the continuation of the conference technical functioning and spirit.


One member of the Steering Committee is nominated as contact and helping person for each edition of VLSI-SoC.

Fatih Ugurdag accepts to be the contact for VLSI-SoC'17, and also the regional representative.


After Ibrahim Elfadel left the room, the proposal of Abu Dhabi is put to the vote. It is accepted unanimously minus one abstain.


Replacement of WG Chair


Two Vice Chairs were elected in April 2015 : Srinivas Katkoori, Lionel Torres

There was no candidate for Chair earlier in the year. Dominique explains that she has been in office since January 2011, two more years than the normal 3-year term. She has become "Emerita" and cannot commit to travel as much as before.


Masahiro Fujita accepts to be candidate for Chair, but would take commitment for 2 years only. He is welcome by the members present to the meeting. His election will be organized by secret e-mail ballot by Dominique in the coming weeks, to be officially in office starting January 2016.


Ricardo, chair of TC10, thanks Dominique for her contributions as chair of WG 10.5.



Next meeting: Dresden, March 2016, in conjunction with DATE 2016