

IFIP Working Group 10.5 Meeting Minutes


Moscone Convention Center (room 228)
San Francisco, CA, USA (DAC 2014)
Wednesday, May 4th, 17:30-18:30

Notes taken by Luis-Miguel Silveira



Attendees: Kiyoung Choi, Srinivas Katkoori, Ricardo Reis, Luis-Miguel Silveira


Apologies: David Atienza, Juergen Becker, Dominique Borrione, Luc Claesen, Manfred Glesner, Matthew R. Guthaus, Michal Hubner, Masaharu Imai, Ahmed Jerraya, Odyssseas Koufopavlou, Tiziana Margaria, Salvador Mir, Klaus Mueller-Glaser, Wolfgang Nebel, Ian OConnor, Adam Pawlak, Flvio Rech Wagner, Leandro Soares Indrusiak, Dimitrios Soudris, Alexander Stempkovsky, Chi-Ying Tsui, Fatih Ugurdag, Eugenio Villar, David Agnew


The minutes are complemented by a slide presentation shown by Ricardo Reis, regarding the status of VLSI-SoC'2014




  1. Welcome
  2. Approval of minutes of the DATE meeting
  3. Status of preparation of VLSI-SoC 2014
  4. Any other business



2- Approval of minutes of the DATE meeting


Given the small number of participants, it was decided not to conduct a formal approval of the minutes of the previous meeting. This will be done at the next meeting.


3- Status of preparation of VLSI-SoC 2014


Ricardo Reis gave a presentation on the status of VLSI-SoC'2014 (see slides).

Papers Submitted: 104


Plan: 15 regular sessions, 2-3 special sessions, tutorials, PhD Forum (still open)



- Ramesh Raskar, MIT

- Jason Cong, UCLA

- Fred Harris (Soc for Software Defined Radio)

- Maciej Ogorzalek (Heterogeneous Self-Powered 3D ICs)


Registration open


Hotel info/noite: (info on page)




122 USD

174 USD

239 USD

90 EUR

128 EUR

176 EUR


The PhD Forum preparation was also discussed. It was noted that the email address in the call for papers was leftover from last year. This will be corrected in the next mailing. Srinivas suggested he could take care of submission handling and selection, which was approved.


4 Any other business



The meeting ended around 18:30.