IFIP Working Group 10.5
Minutes Meeting
Grenoble, 18/03/2013 (18:30 - 20:30)
DATE 2013 - Alpexpo Espace Alpes Congres
Room Berlioz
Notes taken by Dominique Borrione
Attendees: Dominique Borrione, Luc Claesen, Ayse Coskun,
Masahiro Fujita, Manfred Glesner, Matthew Guthaus, Tiziana Margaria, Salvador Mir, Wolfgang Nebel,
Paolo Prinetto, Flávio Rech Wagner, Ricardo Reis, Donatella Sciuto,
Leandro Soares Indrusiak, Chi
Ying Tsui, Eugenio Villar
By-Skype: Fatih
Apologies: François Anceau, David Atienza, Juergen Becker, Kiyoung Choi, Nikil Dutt, Reiner Hartenstein, Michael
Hübner, Masaharu Imai, Ahmed
Jerraya, Klaus Müller-Glaser, Adam Pawlak, Franz Rammig, Michel
Robert, Luis Miguel Silveira, Dimitrios
Soudris, P. Subramanyam, Lionel
- Approval of the minutes of Santa-Cruz meeting
- Information about status of FDL 2013 - Incorporation events
- Status of the VLSI-SoC 2012 book
- Status of preparation of VLSI-SoC 2013
- Approval of new Steering Committee member: Matthew Guthaus
- Feedback on Steering Committee Charter
- Procedure for the selection of best paper award
- Any other business
IFIP WG 10.5 deplores the loss of 3 honorary members in 2012 and January 2013: Einar Aas, Mario Barbacci, Robert Piloty.
- Approval of the minutes of
Santa-Cruz meeting
Approved unanimously
- Status of FDL 2013 by Dominique Borrione (see attached .ppt document)
IFIP is in cooperation without financial implication. Paper work is done and signed.
FDL 2013 Call for Papers is distributed.
Industrial sessions proposals: 3 April 2013
Scientific contributions and special sessions: 12 May 2013
(see http://www.ecsi.org/fdl).
- Status of SBCCI 2013 (by Ricardo Reis)
Ricardo distributes Call for Papers during the meeting. Copies of the Call for Papers are made available to DATE attendees. SBCCI is growing: last year attendance was 400 participants. A workshop is organized in cooperation with SBCCI for the 3rd time.
- Status of the VLSI-SoC 2012 book by Ayse Coskun
The editors of the 2012 book are: Ayse, Andreas, Matthew, Ricardo and Srinivas Katkoori. The book will have 13 chapters in total. 11 chapters have been received. Deadline is March 20. Feedback to authors is April 5. Final version of chapters is due May 3rd. Progression is in line with schedule to have the book printed before VLSI-SoC 2013.
- Status of preparation of VLSI-SoC 2013 by Fatih Ugurdag
Information on slides is not repeated here. A contract with Payu.com needs to be signed before June 1st. Payu.com will take care of registrations.
Shall we have tutorials? Tutorials need an extra day and extra charge. Rather than tutorials, the group feels that embedded tutorials are preferred. VLSI-SoC 2012 had good ones organized by Ayse Coskun. Ayse will contact Fatih about tutorials.
Post-conference publications of selected best papers (between 10 and 15): under the form of a book as usual, edited by Springer.
- VLSI-SoC steering committee charter by Salvador Mir
Matthew Guthaus is welcome as new member of the steering committee.
The current composition of the VLSI-SoC steering committee is: Manfred Glesner, Matthew Guthaus, Salvador Mir, Ricardo Reis, Michel Robert, Luis-Miguel Silveira, Chi-Ying Tsui.
There is no written charter. The principles on which the steering committee has been working are:
- The members represent the various regions of the world
- The steering committee is a core of persons that push the conference. They all have organized one venue of the conference and keep the memory of the event.
- A member is expected to stay 4 to 5 years
What about a member who does not participate for 2 years in a row?
Should we ask the member to withdraw until he/she is in a position to be active?
There is no clear rule about how a member gets off the steering committee.
Steering committee Chair is currently Salvador Mir. How many years should a Chair keep the office? The WG does not want to make a rule.
On top of steering committee, there is the working group (contrary to many others conferences for which the steering committee is at the top). The WG members should be invited as PC members systematically. At the end of the discussion, there is no clear decision that a written charter is necessary.
- Procedure for the selection of VLSI-SoC best paper award by Salvador Mir (see attached document)
Salvador presents the set of criteria, which are approved. It is decided that the best paper award shall not be given to a paper authored by the Program Chair or General Chair.
A financial reward (last year was $250) is presented with the award.
- European Forum for Information and
Computation Science and Technology by Tiziana Margaria
After 10 years of discussion, several European associations in the area of Computer Science have created this federation. The objective is to present a unified negotiating partner to the European Union, in particular for defining the important topics that must be supported. The forum wants to attract more European associations. Tiziana is a member of the EFICST board and offers to act as interface with our WG. The EFICST webpage is http://www.eficst.eu/
The strategy paper has been released and is publicly available here:
In EFICST, she is currently co-writing white papers about:
- The importance of a culture of Simplicity in IT (of concepts, methods, techniques, tools, procedures, for uptake, for teaching, …)
- Risk research funding.
- Future VLSI-SoC
- VLSI-SoC 2014 : Playa del Carmen, Mexico
- VLSI-SoC 2015: we need applications. Manfred Glesner will approach Prof. Tobias Noll to ask if they would still be candidate for organizing VLSI-SoC in Aachen.
- Next meetings
- DAC (Austin, TX, June 3rd, 2013)
- VLSI-SoC (Istanbul, Turkey - Sunday Oct. 6th, 2013: PC + WG meeting)