IFIP Working Group 10.5
Meeting Minutes
6th June 2012, (19:00-20:50)
Francisco (hosted by DAC)
(Notes taken by Srinivas Katkoori and Dominique Borrione)
Preliminary version_2
Attendees: Dominique, Borrione, Kiyoung Choi, Ayse Coskun, Matthew R. Guthaus, Michael Hübner, Ahmed Jerraya, Takashi Kambe, Srinivas Katkoori (invited), Ricardo Reis, Wolfgang Rosenstiel, Luis Miguel Silveira, P. A. Subrahmanyam
Apologies: Einar J. Aas, David Atienza, Jose L. Ayala, Juergen Becker, Luc Claesen, Reiner W. Hartenstein, Masaharu Imai, Salvador Mir, Klaus Mueller-Glaser, Wolfgang Nebel, Ian O'Connor, Franz J. Rammig, Flávio Rech Wagner, Leandro Soares Indrusiak, Dimitrios Soudris, Lionel Torres, Chi-Ying Tsui
The minutes are complemented by several slide presentations used during the meeting, which are attached as a separate document. Contents of the slide presentation are not necessarily repeated in the minutes.
Meeting called to order by the chair Dominique Borrione at 7:15PM.
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(see attached slides)
Minutes of Dresden meeting – approved
Update on next coming events co-sponsored by IFIP WG10.5 without financial implication:
· SBCCI 2012 in Brasília, August 30th to Sept 2nd
· FDL 2012 in Vienna, Sept 18-20 (see slides)
2 - Update
of 2012 VLSI-SOC conference in Santa Cruz by Matt Guthaus (see attached slides)
· Matt Guthaus provided an update on the preparations for the conference
· Largest number of VLSI-SOC 2012 committee members attending
· Local arrangements finalized:
o Food vendor
o Light breakfast
o Dinner Menu on Tuesday
o Coffee breaks
· Modern acoustic guitarist finalized (Italian Guitarist)
· Registration and payment form live on website
· Every room has an ocean view. Blocked 40-50 rooms in Dream Inn.
· Nicest Weather in Santa Cruz in Sept/Oct.
· Regular papers - 125 submissions received (down from last conference i.e., 151; however up in US – last time in US was held in GTech which got ~90 submissions)
· For future consider moving submission deadline; because 4-5 conference deadlines are within +/- 2 weeks of VLSI-SOC conference deadline
· TPC reviewing papers now (Decisions around 30th June)
· Targets: ~30 full-papers and 20+ poster papers
· 2 Special sessions planned; memristor session organized by Steve Kang from UCSC
· Proceedings
o Filled out IEEE Pub Form
o PDF Express (Srinivas to follow up)
o PO for USB Key chain (Srinivas to follow up)
o Ricardo can provide Springer help
· PhD Forum
o Extended deadline to July 1st
o One page abstracts
o Abstracts will NOT be published in the proceedings on USB Key. It was decided that posting the PhD forum abstracts on the web site would be a better idea than not publishing them at all.
o Accepted student authors can submit their entire dissertation to PhD Forum
o IFIP student scholarships -- Travel stipends for developing countries available to the amount of 2,000 Euros (according to Matt Guthaus). However, according to Ricardo Reis, the amount should be 6,500 Euros (Matt Guthaus to check)
o Post meeting information: only 2,000 Euros available, due to lower funds available.
o List of developing countries – source will be taken from UN website
· On the website advertised the rates:
o Student Registration – 325 USD (IEEE Student Member)
o Member Registration – 525 USD (IEEE Member Rate)
· Venue arrangements are underway
· Banners - Matt Guthaus reached out to past chair for Banners
· Some of the invited speakers:
o Yusuf Leblebic, EPFL
o Luigi Capdieci, Global Foundaries
o Erich Brunvard, Univ. of Utah
· Should we consider providing a 500USD honorarium to the invited speakers? As of now only free registration is confirmed with the speakers. In the past, speakers were provided travel and honorarium.
· Program related activities:
o Prepare proceedings
o Finalize Paper proceedings
o Need tutorial suggestions
o Need panel suggestions
3 - Discussion
on 2013 VLSI-SOC conference in Istanbul, Turkey
· Dominique presented a selection of the slides that were presented at the Dresden meeting by Fatih Ugurdag. See slides at URL http://tima.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/ifip/wg10-5/Minutes/Minutes-Dresden12.html, under point 6.
· Local industries: Ericsson, Maxim, Si Labs, etc.
· MOU not yet signed due to some changes that have been requested by the Dean of the Turkish University: the settlement of disputes and any liability issues should be brought in front of Turkish Courts, not New York Courts. MOU had to be translated to Turkish, then back to English.
· Post meeting information: MOU is signed by the Turkish organizer and University Dean, and by Dominique for IFIP WG10.5; Fathi is now in charge of obtaining the IEEE signature.
· Date of 2013 VLSI-SOC: we need to avoid holiday week in Turkey between Oct. 11-20, 2013, and reserve the selected hotel (Novotel).
· Salvador will let Donatella Sciuto know about the dates (7-9th October, 2013), and see if they can avoid collision with ESWeek. .
It is decided that VLSI SOC 2013 will be held 7-9th
October, 2013
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on Future Conference Venues for VLSI-SOC 2014 and after
The following possible venues have been discussed:
· IIT Mumbai (Proposed by Virendra Singh) – proposed on IIT Mumbai campus; this might be uncomfortable for attendees as they have to travel considerable distance from the hotel to the campus (see slides)
· Mexico (Proposed by Ricardo Reis) – can be held in Playa De Carmen, accessible by Cancun International Airport (see attached slides)
· Boston (Proposed by Ayse Coskun, Boston University, supported by Martin Margala, UMass Amherst); Boston is a multi-ethnic city. Should the host guarantee 50% of budget? (question posed by Ayse)
· Aachen (Proposed by Prof. Tobias Noll and Manfred Glesner)
· It is important for the Program Chair and Program Committee to be very active and IFIP WG should be also involved for conference success
· Decision will be made at VLSI-SOC 2012; the working group will need elaborated proposals (names of key people involved in organizing committee, proposed venue, sketch of budget).
5 - Miscellaneous:
· Ricardo Reis suggested that technical meeting of the TWG should be separate from conference/admin meeting
· Green Computing (a) not much progress yet on this by the committee; (b) this is not a special initiative; (c) GC proposals on workshop to be considered in Oct 2012 at VLSI-SOC conference in Santa-Cruz; and (d) ½ day workshop in Grenoble, France in March 2013.
· All attendees agree and are comfortable with 3 IFIP meetings: one at DAC, another at DATE, and third at VLSI-SOC conference.
adjourned at 8:48PM.