Assistant Professor RTT

Michele Lora



Research Area

Embedded and cyber-physical systems

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I am currently a Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Fellow (Global Fellowship) holding a joint appointment at the University of Southern California and the University of Verona. My fellowship aims at implementing the “Design automation for smart Factories” (DeFacto) project that will last until September 2023. During the three-years project, I will spend a total of 15 months at the University of Verona and 21 months at the University of Southern California, where I am with the DesCyPhy Laboratory.


Publication Project & Area

RRPDG: A Graph Model to Enable AI-Based Production Reconfiguration and Optimization.

Sebastiano Gaiardelli, Michele Lora, Stefano Spellini, Franco Fummi

IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics, Journal Articles, 2024

Design Automation for Smart Factories

Electronic Systems Design (ESD)

Co-Design of Topology, Scheduling, and Path Planning in Automated Warehouses.

Christopher Leet, Chanwook Oh, Michele Lora, Sven Koenig, Pierluigi Nuzzo 0002

CoRR, Informal and Other Publications, 2023

Design Automation for Smart Factories

Electronic Systems Design (ESD)

Split-Et-Impera: A Framework for the Design of Distributed Deep Learning Applications.

Luigi Capogrosso, Federico Cunico, Michele Lora, Marco Cristani, Franco Fummi, Davide Quaglia

CoRR, Informal and Other Publications, 2023

Design Automation for Smart Factories

Electronic Systems Design (ESD)

Split-Et-Impera: A Framework for the Design of Distributed Deep Learning Applications.

Luigi Capogrosso, Federico Cunico, Michele Lora, Marco Cristani, Franco Fummi, Davide Quaglia

DDECS, Conference and Workshop Papers, 2023

Design Automation for Smart Factories

Electronic Systems Design (ESD)

Task Assignment, Scheduling, and Motion Planning for Automated Warehouses for Million Product Workloads.

Christopher Leet, Chanwook Oh, Michele Lora, Sven Koenig, Pierluigi Nuzzo 0002

IROS, Conference and Workshop Papers, 2023

Design Automation for Smart Factories

Electronic Systems Design (ESD)

Co-Design of Topology, Scheduling, and Path Planning in Automated Warehouses.

Christopher Leet, Chanwook Oh, Michele Lora, Sven Koenig, Pierluigi Nuzzo 0002

DATE, Conference and Workshop Papers, 2023

Design Automation for Smart Factories

Electronic Systems Design (ESD)

Quantitative Verification and Design Space Exploration under Uncertainty with Parametric Stochastic Contracts.

Chanwook Oh, Michele Lora, Pierluigi Nuzzo 0002

ICCAD, Conference and Workshop Papers, 2022

Design Automation for Smart Factories

Electronic Systems Design (ESD)

A Hierarchical Modeling Approach to Improve Scheduling of Manufacturing Processes.

Sebastiano Gaiardelli, Stefano Spellini, Michele Lora, Franco Fummi

ISIE, Conference and Workshop Papers, 2022

Design Automation for Smart Factories

Electronic Systems Design (ESD)

A Contract-Based Requirement Engineering Framework for the Design of Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems.

Michele Lora, Pierluigi Nuzzo 0002

ICCPS, Conference and Workshop Papers, 2022

Design Automation for Smart Factories

Electronic Systems Design (ESD)

A Software Architecture to Control Service-Oriented Manufacturing Systems.

Sebastiano Gaiardelli, Stefano Spellini, Marco Panato, Michele Lora, Franco Fummi

DATE, Conference and Workshop Papers, 2022

Design Automation for Smart Factories

Electronic Systems Design (ESD)

Virtual Prototyping a Production Line Using Assume-Guarantee Contracts.

Stefano Spellini, Roberta Chirico, Marco Panato, Michele Lora, Franco Fummi

IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics, Journal Articles, 2021

Design Automation for Smart Factories

Electronic Systems Design (ESD)

Modeling in Industry 5.0 - What Is There and What Is Missing - Special Session 1 - Languages for Industry 5.0.

Sebastiano Gaiardelli, Stefano Spellini, Michele Lora, Franco Fummi

FDL, Conference and Workshop Papers, 2021

Design Automation for Smart Factories

Electronic Systems Design (ESD)

Enabling Component Reuse in Model-based System Engineering of Cyber-Physical Production Systems.

Stefano Spellini, Sebastiano Gaiardelli, Michele Lora, Franco Fummi

ETFA, Conference and Workshop Papers, 2021

Design Automation for Smart Factories

Electronic Systems Design (ESD)

Production Recipe Validation through Formalization and Digital Twin Generation.

Stefano Spellini, Roberta Chirico, Marco Panato, Michele Lora, Franco Fummi

DATE, Conference and Workshop Papers, 2020

Design Automation for Smart Factories

Electronic Systems Design (ESD)

Automatic Generation of Analog/Mixed Signal Virtual Platforms for Smart Systems.

Enrico Fraccaroli, Michele Lora, Franco Fummi

IEEE Trans. Computers, Journal Articles, 2020


Electronic Systems Design (ESD)

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